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  • Windsor Michigan Pest Animal Trapping and Removal, Wildlife Control

Windsor Wildlife Control, Animal Trapping & Removal

We run a professional wildlife removal business operating in Windsor, Michigan. We service the whole Detroit metropolitan area, and do much of our work in Windsor. We are a full-service Windsor animal trapping and removal company. We specialize in wildlife only, and are not like a regular Windsor pest control company or Windsor exterminator. We use humane methods to solve wild animal problems in Michigan. We solve the root of the problem, by performing home repairs to keep animals out, and preventative measures in addition to critter trapping and removal. We offer a variety of services, from animal damage repair to waste cleanup, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We handle several nuisance wildlife species, including squirrels, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and opossums. We also perform bat removal and bird control services, and rodent control, including poison-free mouse and rat removal. Give us a call any time at 313-355-1666 to discuss your Windsor animal control issue, and to schedule a fast appointment.

Windsor wildlife control tip of the month:

My response: That is a tough case. I've never had to catch a Windsor animal control dog. I deal only with wildlife. I guess a large cage trap, baited with tasty food, could catch her. Sorry for my brief response last time. You say your son has been feeding her. I guess he doesn't have her trust, or else he could use the food to lure her into a vehicle. If he's placing food Windsor animal control outside, put it in a large cage trap - very large - like this one: Safeguard 52860. I'm aware that you probably don't have such a large trap. Is there a local animal control agency Windsor pest control you can contact that will let you borrow one?

Thank you for your response. The cage you recommended is the Windsor pest control cage we have. Unfortunately I paid a lot more for it. I seen her last weekend. It was almost 4 months in the woods at that time. I called out for her and she ran. I promise you, she has never been hurt or neglected so I don’t know why she Windsor wildlife removal ran. She lays on my clothes I leave, but she just doesn’t seem to focus when my son or I call for her. We have a camera in the woods where we leave food and have the cage set up and she is there several times a day. We don’t set the trap when we are not there. There is an engineering office that can see the cage so we do set it during their office Windsor wildlife removal hours. We have tied food to the cage, so she has to go in to get it. She does go in but as soon as the door goes to Windsor animal trapping close, she backs up quickly and pushes her way out. I keep thinking one of these times she’ll go in and won’t be as fast. We timed the door and it closes in 1 second from when she hears the click from the floor plate. The animal control people don’t have any large cages and they won’t help us because she is owned and it’s not responsibility to catch her. It has just Windsor animal trapping been so frustrating.Michele

My response: Man, that sucks. Very tough case. I can't think of anything you haven't tried. I wonder if a spring or something would make the cage door shut faster. Or you could tie the door open for a few feedings until she becomes more relaxed Windsor exterminator in there, and not ready to back out so quick, then set the trap for real one day. Does Windsor handle any Windsor exterminator wildlife situations, or just dogs, goats, pigs, etc.

To learn more about our Windsor pest animal removal services, visit the Detroit animal trapping and removal home page or give us a call at 313-355-1666.

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